Sunday, March 18, 2007

More Worldwalker


Anonymous said...

Its a really great idea doing a story with mainly pics, its great for the imagination. Lets us readers come to our own conclusions. I really love this story Sydonia, looking forward to more.

Sydonie said...

More will be coming soon! I have school off tomorrow, so probably then
As for what you said about letting the readers draw their own conclusions, that's waht I try to do with all my writing, even whaen I use more words. I love subtle, elegant writing. It makes the readers think more and it's more realistic, too. In real life you don't get a narrator telling you, "he felt insecure, so he took it out in her" or w/e. one simply must read beetween the lines of the dialog. So I like that in stories, as well. It makes the cahracters a little more complex.
And I'm glad you kike it. It's nice to have another reader!